How many books can I have checked out?

Check out limits vary depending on the items. Aims students can check out up to 3 reserve textbooks, 1 laptop/tablet, 1 hotspot, 1 calculator, 4 DVD's/Magazines/CD's/VR Goggles, 1 state back park,10 nonfiction/bestsellers and 1 Livescribe pens/10 keys at a time.

Faculty and staff can check out up to 4 DVD's/Magazines/CD's/VR Goggles, 10 nonfiction/bestsellers, 1 state back park and 1 Livescribe pens/10 keys at a time. 

Community members can check out up to 4 DVD's/Magazines/CD's/VR Goggles and 10 nonfiction/bestsellers.

For more information please visit the Library Policies page


  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2024
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Kiefer Librarians

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